Creating A Gorgeous Garden

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

A Guide To Playground Rubber Mulch Options

by Tiffany Gonzales

Mulching underneath a children's playset eliminates worries about wear and tear on the lawn, while also providing a safe and cushioned surface for any falls the kids may take while playing. You have options when it comes to rubber mulch, and the following guide can help you determine which type to use.

Rubber Mulch Options 

There are three basic options when it comes to rubber mulch. Loose mulch, or shredded rubber, is meant to resemble wood chip mulch when it's in place. Mulch tiles are simply rubber tiles that are cut and fitted into place like any type of tile flooring. Poured-in-place rubber is a liquid form of mulch that is poured into a mold on-site, where it then cures into solid rubber.

Which you choose depends mainly on budget and appearance preferences. Shredded rubber tends to be the least expensive, especially if it is made from recycled tires. Poured-in-place tends to offer the best durability and it provides the neatest appearance.

Installation Basics 

Installation for rubber mulch isn't much different than installing any other type of mulch. All the turf and plant roots in the site must be removed, and then the area is excavated down several inches. A base of sand or gravel is laid over the ground and compressed into place. This base aids drainage and further prevents weeds from invading.

Then a weed-blocking membrane is laid over the area. If you are using shredded rubber, a border must also be installed around the perimeter of the playground to help hold the mulch in place. Finally, the mulch is installed or poured into place, depending on the type you choose.

Maintenance Requirements

Maintenance needs vary depending on the type of mulch, but overall rubber is a low-maintenance option. Shredded mulch may require periodic raking to level out the mulch layer, but little else is necessary. All types of rubber mulch can also be cleaned easily by simply spraying them down with a garden hose.

Rubber tiles can become worn over time, especially in high-stress areas such as at the bottom of a slide. The repair is as simple as swapping out the word tile for a new one. For poured-in-place rubber mulch, it is possible to patch the surface in the event it becomes worn or develops a gouge on its surface. Otherwise, no regular maintenance is necessary.

Contact a company like NWA Rubber Mulch if you would like to learn more.


About Me

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

I have always been someone who absolutely adores being outside, which is probably one of the reasons I decided to buy a home with a large lot. However, as soon as I moved in, I realized that yard work was a lot more challenging than I had anticipated, which is why I called in a team of professional landscapers. They were amazing to work with and got right to it, and within a few days, the yard was looking amazing. I wanted to create a blog all about creating beautiful outdoors spaces so that other people can help to beautify the world.