Creating A Gorgeous Garden

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

5 Midsummer Landscape Cleanup Tasks

by Tiffany Gonzales

Spring and fall aren't the only times for yard cleanup. After a few months of active growth, a quick garden and lawn clean can refresh your landscaping for the latter half of summer.

1. Prune the Deadwood

Although most tree pruning is done in early spring, you may need to tend to a few trees in the middle of summer. Natural dieback as well as storm damage can result in a few dead branches and twigs in the canopy. Pruning these away promptly not only improves the look of the tree, but it also prevents problems. For example, dead branches can break off and damage other parts of the tree or even pose a hazard to people in the yard below.

2. Remove Leaf Debris

Fall may be the time of the greatest leaf drop, but some leaves will fall throughout summer. Some conifers actually drop their needles naturally at the onset of summer. There is also leaf and twig drop as a result of summer storms. Rake up any all fallen leaf debris promptly. Leaving debris on the lawn looks messy, and it can also harbor insects, as well as fungal or bacterial plant illnesses. Dispose of or compost the debris promptly.

3. Clean Up Garden Beds

Keep your garden beds clean so that they look nice and are less conductive to pests and diseases. Trim back dead flower heads as soon as they stop blooming — this simple task stops seed production and can encourage a second flush of flowers. Seasonal flowers should be cut back to the ground once the leaves die back. Any dead plant materials must be removed and disposed of, instead of left in the garden bed.

4. Rake the Mulch

Mulch is a miracle worker in the landscape, as it improves soil, helps plant health, and increases curb appeal. If the mulch looks a bit faded, take a few minutes to rake it. This turns the surface so that the sun-faded mulch is turned under and the unfaded mulch shows again. It also removes small weeds so that they won't have a chance to root through the mulch layer.

5. Tend to the Edging

Edging gives lawns and gardens an attractive finished look, and it helps prevent plants from invading nearby areas. Cut a crisp edge between paved areas and the lawn to prevent the grass from encroaching on sidewalks. Trim and weed the edges between garden beds, and fix any edging strips that have become loose or damaged.

Contact a landscape maintenance service if you need help with midsummer landscaping cleanup.


About Me

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

I have always been someone who absolutely adores being outside, which is probably one of the reasons I decided to buy a home with a large lot. However, as soon as I moved in, I realized that yard work was a lot more challenging than I had anticipated, which is why I called in a team of professional landscapers. They were amazing to work with and got right to it, and within a few days, the yard was looking amazing. I wanted to create a blog all about creating beautiful outdoors spaces so that other people can help to beautify the world.