Creating A Gorgeous Garden

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

Tips For Pruning Boxwood Hudges

by Tiffany Gonzales

Boxwood hedges are popular for a reason. They're pretty low-maintenance, and they are more tolerant of pruning errors and aggressive pruning than other shrubs and bushes. Over-prune a more delicate hedge, and it may die. Over-prune a boxwood, and it may look a little weird for a few weeks, but it will soon recover. Since boxwoods are so hardy, you can generally prune them yourself if you have a good pair of shears and the time to spend. But even though the bushes can withstand some less-than-perfect pruning, you'll want to do your best to follow these tips for a healthy trim and attractive result.

Avoid pruning in late fall.

You don't have to trim boxwoods in early spring like most other shrubs. You can trim them in the late spring, the summer, or even the early fall. But do avoid trimming them in late fall, once the temperature drops and frost appears. Boxwood hedges need to "harden off" and prepare for the winter months, and if you trim them too late, you may interfere with this process. 

Give an overall trim, first.

When you first examine the boxwood and decide what you want to prune away, your eyes will go to the dead branches and growth in the center of the shrub. This will need to be pruned away, but if you do this step first, you will have a hard time reaching into the shrub to get the problematic branches. So, start by giving the boxwood an all-over trim. Shear all of the branches, removing their ends so that every branch is the same length. With the shagginess and extra growth gone, you can then more easily reach into the shrub to remove the dead interior branches.

If you want to change shape, do it slowly.

One of the great things about boxwood hedges is that you can prune them into almost any shape you like. However, when you do decide to reshape a boxwood, you need to do it slowly. Don't lop off all the extra growth at once. Instead, prune it back a few inches at a time. Wait about a month between pruning sessions so the hedges have time to recover and grow a little.

With the tips above, you should be able to do a good job of pruning your boxwoods. And if you don't, your boxwoods will forgive you and grow back again, given the time. Reach out to a professional if you need pruning assistance. 


About Me

Creating A Gorgeous Garden

I have always been someone who absolutely adores being outside, which is probably one of the reasons I decided to buy a home with a large lot. However, as soon as I moved in, I realized that yard work was a lot more challenging than I had anticipated, which is why I called in a team of professional landscapers. They were amazing to work with and got right to it, and within a few days, the yard was looking amazing. I wanted to create a blog all about creating beautiful outdoors spaces so that other people can help to beautify the world.